I especially enjoy working with self made damascus steel, Mokume Gane and other materials out of non-ferrous and noble metal. A blade created in all steps by myself starting from gathering ore to the finished tool is an extraordinary object, connected to many memories.
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Damascus rings
Left one layered damascus steel in 3 different densities, though the difference is not very visible. Right one filled basket weave mosaic. Tool steels for knifemaking, therefore non-stainless, i am curious for the patina development. Both projects provided new ideas, i crave for more workshop time.
Composed of 6 bars, two twisted for the snake, 3 fillings and 200 layers upright for the cutting edge. Copper and reindeer antler. The tiny black spot below the blade middle is a mockery of the universe that knows too well that i am a perfectionist. Invisible after welding it sneaked up while i was happily hollow grinding the edge. As the spot still has pointy corners it was obviously insoluble by the flux, I wonder what it is.


Illerup I
Made after the bog offerings of Illerup, Denmark, 2nd century AD. Blade and handle shape like the original, but with Ricasso and modified guard. The tang is wedged in the handle with wool fibres and cold riveted at the end plate. No glue. Sits absolutely tight. 300 layers of cold work steels in wild pattern, bronce, oak handle from old barn beam. Total length: 290 mm, blade 180 mm.
Illerup II
Blade made of 90MnCrV8 and X45NiCrMo4, wild roses pattern, bog oak handle. Bronze parts patinated for a used look. Designed closely (except damascus steel) after the bog offerings of Illerup Adal, Denmark, 2nd century AD. Custom made for a friend of mine.
Blade riveted to handle, no glue. Tight fit, no gaps, no loose parts.


Can not get much thinner. Damascus steel made from current Gränsfors axe steel cut offs, old edge steel for axes and swedish railroad rail steel pieces. Finger guard made of flat copper wire salvaged from high power line scrap. I enjoy making knives from material that was discarded in an other application.
Mokume Gane plate II
Copper/brass Mokume Gane, 11x11 cm, tempering patina
